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Retail tycoon Kishore Biyani's flagship fashion business Future Lifestyle Fashions, which backs brands like Lee Cooper, John Miller and Indigo…
Before getting into the car, I was constantly thinking of just that one scene from Golmaal (the original one), where…
It seems Samsung's upcoming flagship, the Galaxy S7, won't be the only handset launching at MWC with an 'Always On'…
Take the 'regular' car and give it a massive testosterone shot. Pretty much what the guys at AMG do to…
‘The truth is that France’s Charles de Gaulle vetoed Britain’s application to join in 1963 and again in 1967. Perhaps…
Last year in May, Google's Android One initiative reached Turkey with the General Mobile 4G smartphone. Since then, the Turkish… Inc said it has acquired Indian payments processor Emvantage Payments Pvt Ltd for an undisclosed sum. Emvantage's employees will join Amazon's India unit that…
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