NINTENDOThe Nintendo NX’s release date will be revealed in 2016
Recent reports indicate that cloud gaming could play a major role in the console range, which could also include a handheld spinoff device.
Developers from the Pokemon Company have discussed their plans to expand on the NX, while others have also shared updates on what they plan to do on it.
However, even though no firm plans have been revealed, Nintendo look to be ready for the challenge of developing the next generation of games using their most famous character, Mario.
Nintendo developer Takashi Tezuka said he wanted the gaming icon to continue being the company’s centrepiece, whatever they have in store for him.
“That Mario has been loved so much up to this point is nothing short of miraculous, although obviously this is in part the result of the untold work of multitudes of people, not limited to just the developers at Nintendo,” he told GamesMaster.
NINTENDOThe Nintendo NX could be more of a gaming platform rather than just one device
Nintendo recently discussed the idea of a new Super Mario Galaxy 3 title on either the Wii Uor Nintendo NX console.
Commenting on the subject of the critically acclaimed Mario Galaxy genre, Shigeru Miyamoto revealed that he thought that the Wii U could still serve as a good platform for a new game, although it would prove an easier task on something like the Nintendo NX.
NINTENDOMario looks set to continue being Nintendo’s top star
“However, we can’t make so many games at once in parallel.
“As the hardware technology gets better and advances, I think there will be a lot of opportunity for both options.”